Monday, January 27, 2014

TigerCorp Part 2: It's Lending Time!

TigerCorp (those from our junior high that invested in our group) made our first loans today. Each class has a representative that chose from a varieties of lendees that I chose over the weekend. I had each one sit down and review them and vote for which three they thought would be best to donate to. Here are the three loans we made. 

We ended up making micro loans to people living on three different continents. The loans will be used for helping outfit a market stall, expanding a poultry house to meet demand, and to help buy more cows and pigs. The choices the students made not only reflect our cultural diversity but also our local agricultural culture here in Noel. 


  1. Hello again! I have been keeping up with your blog alongside my EDM 310 class at South Alabama. I LOVE this idea/method of loaning. Your students will appreciate this assignment many years down the line. They will see first hand how a "giving hand" honestly makes the heart grow fonder. I think it is so neat that students got to pick out which person/group the loans will go to. How long do you all plan on continuing the loaning process? Until the goal is reached or will your next years students continue on with it?

    Thanks, Barrett Baker Barrett Baker's EDM 310 Blog

    1. Barrett, I don't see an end in sight. As the money is paid back we can re-loan it out. The way we pick people to loan the money to may change though.

  2. Hey! I am a student in EDM 310 at the University of South Alabama. How great is it that you are getting your kids to help others out in other countries! What a great idea! Not only are you teaching them about money and loans but you are teaching them how to help others around the world and how that works. How do you get the money to loan out?

  3. Wow this is such an amazing learning experience. I did not learn about loans until recently when I needed them for school, so it is great that your students are learning about them now and using them as a way to help other people. I find it fascinating that you all took it global. This is a diverse learning opportunity and I can only imagine how much the students got out of it.

  4. Mr. Chamberlain, I am a student at the University of South Alabama. Fortunately, this week I was assigned to comment on your most recent blog post!
    After reading this post, naturally, I scrolled down to read your first post about service based learning. I am such a fan of this idea! It's such a wonderful way to show students how working together can have such a large impact! I've taken a break from the classroom to be a stay at home mom, but when I return, I would definitely like to get students involved in a project like this. I'm going to keep watching for future posts on this topic. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Mr. Chamberlain, this is such a neat activity you did with your students! It not only teaches them about the democracy of choosing with others, but it also teaches them the importance of helping others. I have never heard of service-based learning before, but after reading your post, I'm definitely going to do more research on it and possibly incorporate it into my future classroom. Thank you for sharing!
