My first visit EdCampKC was a powerful, yet painful experience. While I am wistfully viewing all the excitement that is the anticipation of the next camp I want to share with you my thoughts. Typically I would join the other posts and give you advice on what to do while you are there, but not this time. This time I am going to tell you what not to do.
- Do not attend an unconference with the sole intention of learning about new tools you can use in your classroom. Edcamps are not about tools, they are about sharing ways to become better teachers. Sharing with others will help make personal connections.
- Do not attend an unconference and attend a session each time one is offered. Gather a few of the other attendees, find a quit place, and get to know each other. Make personal connections.
- Do not attend an unconference sit quietly in the back. This is not a time to be a shy guy or gal. Make a point of introducing yourself to others. Join in conversations, make personal connections. Smile!
- Do not attend an unconference and plan to leave immediately when it is over. Take some time and sit with others and reflect on what you have learned. Go out to dinner with them and make personal connections.
You have an incredible opportunity to become more than the teacher behind that blog, or the face behind that Twitter account. You have the opportunity to do something that most teachers don't have, the opportunity to find people that are truly passionate about what you are passionate about. This brings me to the last don't. Don't blow it.
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